Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Author Branding

At our chapter meeting last night, two of our members gave a presentation on author branding. Marketing yourself with a particular "brand" is a delicate balance. I say this for two reasons.

1) The brand you give yourself (or your editor or agent or publisher helps you decide) will stick with you for quite some time. That means you better be ready to write within the parameters of that brand.

2) In so having such a brand, it can limit you as an artist.

For example, I write two kinds of books - inspirational and historical. One is sexier than the other, by far. When I finally do earn a publishing contract, which one will it be with? Right now, the odds are on the historicals. But that doesn't mean I don't want to write the inspirational. That means I have to perhaps market myself with TWO brands.

This strikes me as being rather dangerous, especially with these two particular types of romances. An inspirational romance is much different than a sexy historical romance. Will those readers of my inspirational, if they learn that I write historical which, why wouldn't they learn of it, stop reading my inspirationals since I write the sexier novels?

While this is all just talk at this point, it's something we need to think about as authors.

I've decided that I want to write both - but under different names. I cannot limit myself to one particular type of romance for the sake of branding.

Is it possible, then, to have the best of both worlds? To be able to write what you love, sell it, and have a large audience? And should this be done from the word "go" (i.e. when you get that book contract) or should you wait until you've established yourself in one field before branching off into the next?

It's not that this is a new concept. Far from it. Numerous authors have done it. But what will I do, I wonder?

Lots of questions. Difficult questions. But I have a feeling that I'll figure it out. :-)

Tuesday, November 29, 2005

More of My Daughter's Thoughts

On the way to daycare this morning, I asked my daughter if she'd had any dreams last night.

"No," she replied, very matter-of-factly. "I'm all out of dreams."

"You are?" I said in astonishment.

"Yup. I have to put more dreams in my head!"

She then proceeded to softly smack her dreams into her head with her hand.

Keep in mind I'm driving the entire time. It was an effort not to pull over on the side of the road and just hug her for being so darn adorable.

In Writing News...

What writing news? I'm determined to get stuff done on Robert's story, tentatively titled The Rake's Lady. I really really want to dive into it. So why can't I? I wanted to last night, but I had a headache - a very bad one - bad enough that I took four aspirin. I think it was partly because I didn't have any Diet Pepsi yesterday and my body was going through a caffeine withdrawal.

We have our last chapter meeting of the year tonight. We don't meet in December - it's just too hectic. But we are planning a holiday get-together in January as well as a writing retreat in February. Should be fun!

Monday, November 28, 2005

It's Published!

No, no, not the book...heh. Not yet!

My article appears in the Summer/Fall combined issue of Nebraska History, the journal of the Nebraska State Historical Society. Unfortunately, there isn't a link to the article. But I may try and see if I can't scan some pages in to show you!

In this article, I delve into how Hollywood films had an impact on the German POW's held at Fort Robinson, Nebraska, during World War II. It was actually a chapter in my thesis. :-)

It's rather exciting to see your name in print...I've had a few short stories published and some newspaper columns, but nothing on this scale. I'm so thankful that I was able to work as an intern at Nebraska History and I've stayed in contact with my former boss. Maybe someday I'll be able to work there...oh, what a dream job that would be!

Sunday, November 27, 2005

A Thunderstorm in November?

This is weird. We're having a thunder and lightning storm. In Nebraska. At the end of November.

Now if it was a blizzard, I wouldn't be surprised.

But a thunderstorm?

It brings to mind too many "end of the world" movies...

Speaking of, I just watched War of the Worlds yesterday. Hmmm....

The Vacation That Wasn't

I really looked forward to four days of uninterrupted relaxation - a wonderful turkey dinner on Thanksgiving, maybe play a few games, and then Friday, Saturday and Sunday, do nothing but relax.

That didn't happen.

Friday hubby and I went shopping - no, we weren't one of those crazy people (Rene!) who gets up at 5 a.m. to go shopping on Black Friday. I'm a firm believer in "she who waits saves her limbs." But I did go to our local Hobby Lobby and bought some great Christmas decorations. Suffice to say, I've been decorating for two days now and I still have to put up the Christmas tree. But at least it will be done. And I've really enjoyed doing it. It just takes so darn long, y'know?

The good news is that I spent a lot of quality time with my hubby and that was wonderful.

The bad news is I did not get a single bit of writing done. Oh, I thought about my plot, but not once did I sit down to the computer and open the file. In fact, I hardly sat down all weekend! But that's good, right? ;-) I needed to burn off all the leftovers from Thanksgiving, including my yummy homemade cherry cheesecake.

It's back to work tomorrow - sigh. Ah well. With the decorating nearly finished as well as most of our shopping, I'm going to try and relax and enjoy the holidays. And maybe, just maybe, get some writing done, as well!

Thursday, November 24, 2005

Happy Thanksgiving!

May you count your blessings today...

May you remember what this holiday means...

May you eat well and laugh with friends and family...

May you find recipes for the leftovers!


Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Doesn't He Look Absolutely Smashing?

Oohhh...when I saw this pic, I thought, "WOW. My man is hot!!!"

The Best Dressed Couple of the Evening!


Patience Is A Virtue

I'm dropping the pictures off at the one-hour photo place today. I'm going to try and get them on a CD so I can upload them into my computer here at work without waiting to scan them in. BUT - if the pictures suck, I won't put them up.

Ha ha ha...*evil laugh*


...For those of you so inclined, visit my Best of World War II blog ( for a review of the movie Wing and A Prayer starring Don Ameche and Dana Andrews.

...I finally decided to work on my second Regency historical. Last night, I read through my notes and realized that I really do have a great story.

...I'm fine-tuning a Christmas short story I wrote last year, and I hope to submit it to a magazine this week.

...I only have one Christmas present bought. *gasp!*

...I've decided to decorate my house in a Victorian Christmas style. Can't wait!!! The day after Thanksgiving, I'll haul my decorations out of the storage closet. Let the fun begin!

Monday, November 21, 2005


I love to listen to National Public Radio, especially at work lately. For some reason, though, I can only listen to it at certain times of the year. Mostly fall and winter months. I like to get more into my "historical" mood around this time of the year with the holidays. Kinda weird, I think. But classical music puts me in that mood...completely. It gives me a sense of peace.

There is also a book - my all-time favorite - that I love to read around the holidays: Rosalind Laker's Tree of Gold. A touching, beautiful story - and really, my first romance. I first read it during Christmas break while in junior high and ever since, I've always associated it with the holidays.

What about you? Any particular books/music that put you in the mood for the holiday season?

Sunday, November 20, 2005

A Success!

The party was great. Hubby looked absolutely smashing in a dark blue shirt, black sports coat, black Dockers, and black shoes. Woo-eee! I didn't want to let him out of my sight!

I bought a pretty black shawl to go with my dress and I felt like a princess last evening. I have pictures, but you'll have to be patient for me to develop the film! (Yes, I hinted to hubby that I wanted a digital camera for Christmas!!!)

Hubby and I did a duet of Patsy Cline's "Crazy" - but it ended up being more of a solo since hubby was a little tipsy! LOL

But that brings to mind another thought...I don't miss the party scene at all. In fact, I rather enjoy being sober when everyone around me is drunk. That way I know exactly what I did that evening and exactly what everyone else did, as well!

I'm looking forward to a three-day work week. I get Thursday and Friday off! And no, I won't be spending my four-day weekend shopping. *shudder* I'm thinking of buying everything online this year.

Hope you all had a great weekend!

Friday, November 18, 2005

Where Does It Go?

I want to know where the year 2005 went. I can't believe it's the middle of November and Christmas is just around the corner.

What happened? Last I checked, I'd just started this job in February. Only a few more months and I will have been here an entire year.

And I think that's the reason this year is gone by so fast - I've had a full-time job. I've been in a routine. I've done the same thing nearly every single morning - get up, get kids ready, take stepson to school, take daughter to daycare, go to work. I really get tired of it. When I was a stay at home mom, it seemed like the year went a lot slower.

I'm not saying this is necessarily bad...but when days and weeks and months start running together, you've got to wonder why they flee so swiftly.

In Writing News...

I'm working on a query letter to submit to a World War II magazine for a few nonfiction articles. And I'm still trying to decide which novel to work on. I really should have been writing on one of them by now, but guess I'm taking a mini vacation. Maybe tonight I'll get inspired...wait, it's Friday night. Time to party! Oh, yeah...I don't do that anymore. My idea of a great Friday night is watching a movie with my daughter snuggled next to me, warm chocolate chips and a glass of cold milk on the coffee table. :-)

Thursday, November 17, 2005

The Dress Saga: The Latest Chapter

You are all so darn sweet! And I have good news - I'm keeping the dress. :-)

Last night my mom and I went to the mall to return my dress and look for something more "sensible." Unfortunately, the store I bought the dress from has a policy that if you pay for your merchandise using a check, you must wait ten days before you can return it. And, you guessed it - I paid with a check. It's a rather silly policy, but hey, I wasn't going to challenge it. The only inconvenience for me was carrying my dress around the mall.

After we ate supper, we started our quest. And let me tell you - it didn't turn out well. I couldn't find anything I liked and those that I DID like just didn't fit. We left the mall a little disheartened.

But as soon as I got home, my wonderful husband told me that the other gals from his work were really splurging on their outfits - spending even more money than I did! He looked at my dress and said, "I don't see anything wrong with it." But even better...when I tried it on and modeled it for him, his eyes lit up and he said, "You're wearing that dress."

What a guy!

Now I have to go find a black, lacy shawl to wear and maybe some new shoes, too! Oh yes - and jewerly!

Hubby is actually going to get all dressed up, too! And keep in mind that he is a tank top and shorts kind of guy. But when he gets dressed up - oh man, does he ever look good!

Don't worry - I'll take pictures. :-)

Thanks for all the good thoughts, gals. Means a lot!

Wednesday, November 16, 2005

The More I Think About It...

I think I'm going to take the dress back. Yes, it is beautiful. Yes, I feel like a princess when I wear it. But I'm going to be too overdressed. And while I say that now I don't care, I'm pretty sure that will change once I get to the party. Sigh...

Mom and I are going to the mall tonight. I hope to pick out one a little less fancy. And a little less expensive!

Buyer's Remorse

Remember that dress I gushed over? Well, I still love it. I really do. But when I think of wearing it to this Christmas party, I get nervous. Let me explain.

My husband works in a scrap yard. He's the manager/supervisor. It's a dirty job, but he loves it mainly because he finds lots of "toys" - yup, he's a guy through and through.

To make a long explanation relatively short, I'm worried I'm going to be overdressed. At last year's Christmas party, people really didn't get dressed up. Some did, others didn't. But the party is going to be held at a pretty prestigious place this year and having a limo pick us up is another bonus.

Part of me thinks I should take the dress back and get something a little less dressy. The other part rebels at such a thought because 1) I love the dress and 2) I really don't care what people think if I get dressed up, which seems to be at odds with the first part of me. But it's one of those things where the more I think about it, the more determined I am to wear this dress.

Turns out I probably won't be able to wear it to my company Christmas party. I guess last year they wore jeans and sweaters. How boring is that???

So what would you do?

Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Let it Snow!

Woke up to a very wet, slushy snow this morning. So much for the weatherman's prediction that yes, it would snow, but no, it wouldn't stick to the ground. Ha! I grumbled at that particular weatherman while I was sweeping the two inches of snow off my car!

When my daughter woke up and I told her there was snow outside, she said, "Is it Christmas?" LOL Not yet! But I really hope we have a white Christmas this year.

I wish the snow would have held off until after Thanksgiving. But according to the Farmer's Almanac, we're supposed to have a very snowy December. I wouldn't mind that at all.

I'm trying not to think about Christmas yet - I have a rule that I do not decorate until after Thanksgiving. I used to wait until December 1, but I just can't wait that long anymore! I love to decorate for Christmas and I think this year I really want to make it look like a Victorian Christmas in my living room. Which means I get to go shopping! :-)

I'm bound and determined to think about Thanksgiving first. After all, it is an important holiday. And it often gets brushed aside by all the Christmas hype. That's why I'm waiting to look at all the Christmas items for sale at the stores - I don't want to forget Thanksgiving. :-)

Monday, November 14, 2005

Writer's Retreat

Yesterday my mother and I went to a Victorian Tea at The Atwood House Bed and Breakfast (pictured at left What a delightful time! The house was decorated for Christmas with historic decorations, carolers sang, and yummy goodies and tea filled my sugar cravings. It was so warm and cozy that I truly wanted to just stay and have my own little writer's retreat. In fact, I just might do that someday.

Which brings to mind a question: have you ever pampered yourself with a writing retreat, just by yourself? I've always wanted to do this - just bring my laptop, go to a gorgeous bed and breakfast, and just immerse myself in my writing. Just me. No television or internet to distract me, but only my words and thoughts.

Maybe I'll get to do this someday...

Sunday, November 13, 2005

That Special Dress

I found it.

Yesterday, into Dillards, I found the dress.

Long. Flowing. Black lace. Black beadwork. Gorgeous plum satin. It looks like a beautiful gown from the Regency Era, except for the modern spaghetti straps.

I was so excited after buying it (oops! I spent twice what I had budgeted for this dress!), I drove over to my Mom's to show it to her, giddy as a high school girl buying her first prom dress!

In my defense, I haven't boought a dress like that since...before I was married. I was due! And I actually have at least three occasions to wear it - my husband's Christmas party, my company Christmas party, New Year's Eve, and, AND, if I get to go to RWA Conference this year, I have a dress for the awards ceremony. Did I justify that extra money or what? ;-)

Hubby took my daughter shopping today and I was at home by myself. So what did I do? I put on the dress. I couldn't take it anymore! I had to wear it again. I slipped it over my head and twirled around, looking in the mirror, pretending I was not a princess, but a Regency lady on her way to the ball.

Sure, I bemoaned the fact yesterday that I couldn't wear a little strapless black dress that went up to here, because, let's face it, I don't have the body I once did. But that didn't matter a single bit when I put my dress on and it fit. I felt sexy. I felt gorgeous.

I'll take pictures, of course, because since I'm a smart shopper and found this on a clearance rack (although when I saw it I probably would have paid full price for it anyway I loved it so much!), I can't find it on Dillard's website.

This is where I'm completely a girl. I love to get dressed up. I love beautiful dresses and doing my hair and make-up and buying jewerly. I love how I feel. And I also love how my husband looks at me. :-)

Friday, November 11, 2005

Thank A Veteran Today

It's Veteran's Day today. And despite all those sales and attempts to get you to spend your money, remember why this day exists. If you know a veteran (my husband is one and so is my Dad) then thank them today for your freedom. And remember those who sacrificed their lives so that you could have that freedom.

To all those veterans, past and present, Thank You.

My Foot

I know this is a rather strange topic for a Friday, but well, it is a Friday! Nevermind that I have a ton of work to do at the office before 5 p.m. rolls around. But then...ah, the weekend!

Hubby and I were sitting around last night and he asked me, "Why do you keep looking at your feet?"

Since I hadn't really realized that I was looking at my very perfect feet *grin* (I don't have the longer middle toe or anything like that), I thought about it for a minute.

"Well," I replied, "my feet haven't changed. I have gained weight everywhere else in my body - my hands, my legs, my face, my tummy, but my feet have remained the same. A reminder of what I used to look like when I was younger. I can look at my feet and pretend that I'm twenty-one again, with a cute figure (pre-children, of course!) and nothing more important on my brain than where I'm going to go party on the weekend."

Sheesh! Who would have thought that a simple question would turn out to have such a philosophical answer?

It's amazing, though, how we change over time. Our bodies change, our thoughts change, our priorities and even sometimes our values and our morals change.

But some things stay the same.

Like my feet.


Thursday, November 10, 2005

Right Down the Middle

I'm still trying to figure something out.

In the midst of working on the edits for my Regency Historical novel, I fell in love with the Regency again. This is not surprising. I often drift from one time period to the next, falling in and out of love as easily as...well, as a teenager. :-)

I have two books in the works right now. One is a Regency historical, using characters from my first novel. It is a good story. No, it is a great story. And I really want to write it.

My second novel takes a big leap in time to World War II and the plains of Nebraska. It's an inspirational, very different from the Regency, and it is also a great story.

Herein lies the problem. I want to work on them both equally. You know, have a schedule - MWF I work on the Regency, Tues/Thurs. work on the inspirational, blah, blah, blah.

Well, you already know that won't happen! I'll get sucked into one world or the other, abandoning one manuscript for months at a time.

I really don't want this to happen. Rene said that one will start to take over and I'll work on it but when I get stuck, I can switch to the other.

I wish I could just divide the line, right down the middle, and work on both at the same time. Maybe it will happen. Maybe I can conceive of some way to make this work. Any ideas?

In Other Writing News...

My former boss, the editor of Nebraska History, the Nebraska State Historical Society's magazine, emailed me yesterday and said that the latest issue is available! I am soooo excited! Why? Because my article is in this issue! I cannot wait to get my six copies! I'll try and post a link if it becomes available online. At the very least, I'll scan it in so you all can see it!

Wednesday, November 09, 2005

A Clean Desk is a Sign that Melissa...

1) is really bored.

2) started to look for something on the desk and couldn't find it, leading to frustration and eventual gnashing of teeth as to state of desk.

3) had nothing else better to do.

4) really wanted to add to her cold by inhaling all the dust particles from very dusty desk.

5) spent time with daughter who insisted on spraying the cleaner and dusting the desk herself.

6) is ready to write!!!

Tuesday, November 08, 2005

I'm In The Market

I am desperately in need of a laserjet printer. I'm tired of my inkjet, tired of refilling the ink and spending too much money on said ink.

Besides, a full manuscript uses up about an entire cartridge of that high-priced ink.

So I'm in the market for a laserjet printer and I need your advice!

What's the best brand?

Where's the best place to shop? Online or at an office supply store? Or Wal-Mart?

What is the most I should pay for a good, quality printer?

Thanks, all!

Monday, November 07, 2005

That's Dedication! (Or is it Stupidity?)

Sunday morning. 4 a.m. My stupid STUPID cold (yes, I'm SICK again - I think I am now dealing with the virus that my daughter had) woke me up. I couldn't get back to sleep.

So what do I do?

Turn up the heat, shuffle downstairs, and plop in front of the computer again to take one last look at my novel.

For two hours.

I had a few things I wanted to add, then I went back to bed a little after 6 a.m.

But you know what? The novel is done. The synopsis is done.

And my brain is done, too!

Saturday, November 05, 2005

6000 Words

I've been writing ALL DAY.

Well, okay. Not every single minute. I did manage to do five loads of laundry, take a walk with the dog, and eat.

Other than that, I wrote.

Hubby took the kids for the afternoon to leave me with lots of peace and quiet. And then, an hour after hubby got home, he took a nap and the kids did their own thing (quietly, even!) and I had even MORE peace and quiet.

Suffice to say, that after I take one more read-through and perhaps edit a bit more in certain sections, I am done. I'll print off the novel tomorrow and send it off to the agent.

I'm not sure how many words I wrote today (but it was A LOT), but in the midst of my cutting and adding, I somehow pared my manuscript down by 6000 words. Since it originally "clocked in" at over 106,000, I'm thinking this is a good thing. :-)

Friday, November 04, 2005

"You Need Some Fun"

I feel like I've been running around for the past three weeks. Moving my mom, taking care of sick children, taking care of housework, running kids to various appointments, working, trying to get my novel edited...

And my husband hasn't been around for much of it. It's not his fault - his boss has sent him to work at another of their newly-acquired companies and he gets home late.

So why did I decide, after all of this chaos in my life, to clip the dog's toenails? I should have left well enough alone. But I didn't. The first three feet were okay. But on the last foot, I cut one of the nails too short and blood started pouring out.

Frantic, I called hubby to ask him where he'd put the powder to stop the blood (it came in the nail-clipping kit) and he replied with the now-familiar, "I don't know where I put it." BIG SIGH. So I jump on the Internet and find that you can put flour on the nail to make it stop bleeding.

Only one problem with that. The puppy, cute little Doobie, starts to lick off the flour! We gave him food to keep him busy and the nail finally clotted. But a little while later, he started licking it again and it re-opened. Another BIG SIGH.

But the worst, THE WORST, part came later.

There' s a teddy bear on the floor in the basement. It's a fairly big teddy bear and I don't know why no one thinks to pick it up.

Anyway, Doobie, the cute puppy who is swiftly turning into a cute monster, decides he wants to "get busy" with the teddy bear. I try to pull the teddy bear away and he gives me the evil eye. But I bravely forged ahead and rescued the teddy bear. Unfortunately, "Mr. Happy" was alive and well, if you know what I mean. And it took it awhile to, um, how should I say this delicately..."deflate."

And to think - I had grand plans of coming home and having a quiet evening working on my novel.

Which is why I told my husband that I was going out tonight. It's my boss's last day and we're having a party. And he, being the good man that he is, said, "You need a babysitter?" and I said, "YES." And even better man that he is, he said, "I'll take care of it. YOU NEED SOME FUN."

Darn right.

Thursday, November 03, 2005

No Can Opener!!!

Picture this.

The hamburger cooks in the microwave.

The spaghetti noodles boil on the stove.

The can of spaghetti sauce (yes, I buy canned because it's cheap) sits on the counter.

And Melissa is frantically searching for a can opener to OPEN the spaghetti sauce. Through drawers. Cupboards. On tables. Below tables. In the husband's garage. On the picnic table outside.

No can opener. Out of the three can openers in the house, not one turns up.

I try to use a knife on it. The blade bends and I throw it in the sink. I rummage through the drawer and find some sort of Swiss Army knife knock-off and try to open the darn can. I only manage to punch a hole in it. A small hole. Which means I stand over the pan of meat shaking the can again and again, trying to get the sauce out. For an entirely too long five minutes.

I turned the air a little blue last night. I yelled at stepson because he was the last to have the can opener. He yelled at me because he said it wasn't where he'd put it last. Then I called hubby and yelled at him because, guess what? He took the can opener with him to work that morning.

But in the end, I had my spaghetti.

Next time I go to the store, I'm buying twenty can openers.

And hiding them all.

Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Another Tag: All About Me

All about Me

Three screen names that you've had: MelissaM, SnoopyGal, MMarsh

Three things you like about yourself: Empathetic, kind, intelligent

Three things you don't like about yourself: My weight; I forget to pray; my impatience with my kids

Three parts of your heritage: Italian, German, Scots-Irish

Three things that scare you: kidnappings, tornados, and mice

Three of your everyday essentials: chocolate, Diet Pepsi, and a kiss from my husband

Three things you are wearing right now: Leather jacket (it's cold at work!), black dress pants, silver earrings

Three of your favorite songs: Nickelback's entire new album; Rain or Shine by Frank Sinatra; Loreena McKennit's Highwayman

Three things you want in a relationship: love, respect, kindness

Two truths and a lie: My house is a mess, my husband's garage looks like the one on Sandford and Son, and I am as skinny as the day I graduated college (ha! We ALL know which one is the lie!)

Three things you can't live without: chocolate, books, email

Three places you want to go on vacation: England, Italy, Ireland

Three things you just can't do: swim, do anything involving vermin (mice, bugs, you name it!); drive a stick shift

Three kids' names: Gabrielle, Nicolas, and Molly

Three things you want to do before you die: I have to agree with Toni two of these - publish a book that hits the NYT list and watch my kids grow up to be happy; live in England

Three celeb crushes: Christian Bale, Russell Crowe, and Raoul Bova (from Under the Tuscan Sun)

Three of your favourite musicians: Frank Sinatra, Keith Urban, Nickelback

Three physical things about the opposite sex that appeals to you: back, eyes, hair

Three of your favourite hobbies: writing, stamping, and collecting Snoopy

Three things you really want to do badly right now: finish editing book for agent; take a vacation to England; get my carpets cleaned

Three careers you're considering/you've considered: historian; book editor; copywriter

Three ways that you are stereotypically a boy: definitely action movies, not afraid to get my hands dirty; not worrying about my appearance ALL THE TIME

Three ways that you are stereotypically a girl: scream at the sight of a mouse; love lacy stuff; love dressing up.

Three people that I would like to see post this meme: Rene, Kelly, and Tess

Tuesday, November 01, 2005

I'm Writing - No Candy for You!

Last night I kept my porch light off, shooed my children and my husband out the door to go trick or treating, and then promptly sequestered myself in the basement to work on my novel.

Yup. No little ghouls or goblins knocked on my door. (I didn't have any candy anyway!) It's the first time since we've lived there that I didn't turn the porch light on, but I knew I needed to work on my novel.

And work I did.

In fact, I put my poor hero through the ringer. Actually, I put the hero AND heroine through a lot of angst. I moved my big black moment to a little earlier in the manuscript and I think it works well. But it was hard to write it. Why? Because my poor characters are saying really bad things to one another! And I would rather they just laugh it off, kiss, and get along.

But that will come later, with the HEA.

I also read a review in the latest issue of Romantic Times that gave me hope. Leisure is releasing a World War II story, set in England, this month! Oh joy! Perhaps the market is starting to open just a tiny bit, and that's all I need to get my toe in the door!

Letting Go

I'm currently listening to a song called "Time for Letting Go" by Jude Cole, one of my favorite singers from the 1990s. It...