Favorite Posts

A short compilation of some of the more popular posts here at the blog...

Embrace Your Inner Black Sheep - Being a non-conformist is the way to live!

Writing Wisdom - To thine own self be true.

No More Waiting - There's no perfect time to start doing what you love!

Slow Down - Because life is too short.

Living the Thoughtful Life - Appreciate and embrace your life now.

Writing Buddies Blog Carnival - Writers and their pets!

The Stress-Free Guide to Christmas - What happens when you try to build a gingerbread house with a falling roof?

Blog Carnival: Where I Write - Check out where fellow writers get to work!

Paying Attention - Because it's the little things in life that truly matter.

Enhance Your POV - Discussing an often-overlooked part of writing.

Finding Time for the Right Things - Sometimes, it's ok not to write.

Ode to Autumn - Fall is truly the best time of the year.

Letting Go

I'm currently listening to a song called "Time for Letting Go" by Jude Cole, one of my favorite singers from the 1990s. It...