Thursday, December 01, 2022

Back to Normal...For Now

The antibiotics did the trick, thank goodness, and the fiery sore throat has eased considerably. A ticklish, slightly sore remnant reminds me of the hell I went through for three days, and here's hoping I don't experience it again any time soon, if ever.

I still took it easy today - no walking on the treadmill - but I did tidy up my bedroom - washed the bedding, took out the trash, dusted, and vacuumed. The atmosphere feels much better, as though I've swept away the icky germs. 

I'm planning to work on my novel tonight (my creativity usually kicks in after 10 p.m.) and here's hoping I'll continue to feel better tomorrow. I need to get out of the house, for one, and two, I'd like to take a walk on what looks to be the last warm day we'll have for awhile. 

Of course, as a chronically ill person, my normal is quite different from other people's normal. I always have pain or discomfort, always have symptoms. Some days are worse than others, but anytime I feel halfway decent, I'll take it!

In other news, my professor already returned the first draft of my paper and I'll only need to make minor changes to it. Tremendous news, indeed! It shouldn't take me long to edit, and then, it's time to focus solely on the novel. 

I have a new desk arriving next week. If I'm going to be doing a lot of writing, I need to make sure I'm doing it in a healthy way. Therefore, I'm going back to an ergonomic keyboard and now have a comfy desk chair. I'll still have times when I write on my laptop while reclining in bed, of course, but I want to have some options.

Tomorrow is Friday. Huzzah!


  1. That all sounds wonderful.

    1. And then, of course, I woke up feeling like death again. Slept most of the day. I am so, so frustrated.


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