Monday, December 12, 2022

Embrace the Good Days

I'm an introvert, and thus, I need time to myself to recharge. 

Thankfully, I've had that time over the past few days, and it has been glorious

Setting the mood!

My boyfriend went ice fishing with his best friend, and my daughter has been working quite a bit (retail during the holidays is a tough slog). I've had the house to myself - plus the pets, of course - and have taken the opportunity to just revel in my alone time.

I put on my vintage Christmas records and danced in front of the Christmas tree (Blitz stared at me in astonishment). I watched several Christmas movies while eating some Christmas goodies. I read a few books. I did some research for my novel. I wrote. And I actually felt good enough to exercise. I jumped on the treadmill Saturday night, and yesterday afternoon the weather allowed me to take a nice, long walk.

When you're chronically ill, good days must be cherished for they are, indeed precious moments, and we never know how long they'll last.

Now if I could just get some snow...


  1. I love reading this!!!

    1. Thank you! Unfortunately, today was just one long, downhill slide, and I put myself to bed at 8:30. ARGH! But that's okay. I'm glad I got those two days!


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