Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Rejection Equals Frustration


It's a part of life. And it's a major part of the writing life.

What's a girl to do when nothing but rejections invade the email inbox?

Keep at it.

But what happens when frustration begins to claw its way into your brain?

Drink lots of Diet Pepsi. And eat lots of chocolate. Lots of chocolate.


  1. Aw, rats! Hang in there. I can't wait for the day when your jubilant post comes up. My fingers are crossed that it's soon. :) Until then, I'll join you in the chocolate...

  2. Rejection is tough. But you don't have a whole lot of choice. Either you stop or you find ways of dealing with the negative feelings rejection brings up. Since I know you won't quit, you'll figure a way to deal with the rejection.

  3. Anonymous10:58 AM

    Rejections suck. Give it the 24 hour wallow rule, and then move on. Chocolate helps. I do find wine or beer takes the edge off too *g

    Anyway, it does get discouraging, year after year, doesn't it?

  4. Sorry to hear about the Rs, Melissa. I've been getting those too :( One day someone will recognize our brilliance :)

  5. Oh, too bad Melissa! But take heart--it means your name and writing has passed another eye and that you actually did it instead of joining the much more populated ranks of people who can't finish a thing and never get the courage to send anything out.

  6. Anonymous8:12 PM

    Hugs, Melissa! But you'll get there. Not to worry.

  7. Rejection? We don't need no stinking rejection. Of course, like you said, it's part of the writing life. I find that a nice, long walk and a good long scream also help melt away at the frustration.

  8. Ohh, Melissa *hugs*.
    When frustration kicks in, the best thing to do is try to tune out negative thoughts. You ARE going to make it. Perseverance and hard work will pay off - in the meantime 'Never Give Up'.

    Sue :-)

  9. Anonymous11:53 AM

    That's when the hallucinations start... when I first read your headline, I read "Rejection Equals Menstruation." Fodder for a story perhaps, but not a good sign of lucidity. Ah well.
    Chin up, with your hard work, it's only a matter of time.

  10. I'm sorry, Melissa. Rejection sucks. So do bad reviews. ;-)

  11. Anonymous7:21 PM

    Perseverence is the name of the game. ((Hugs))


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