Thursday, November 06, 2008


(Photo: The path to Chatsworth, Derbyshire).

Can you hear it? It's like a small earthquake. Rumbling. Shaking. Moving.

It's the rumblings of excitement.

I started reading my manuscript last night and there they were, small shivers at first, then gradually building into something much bigger, much larger, much more intense.

I wrote this, I thought. These are my characters. My story. My words.

Rumblings. Excited rumblings. Nervous rumblings. Happy rumblings.

It has waited long enough, this story of mine, for me to get my life in order (as much as it can be in order), for me to return to what I love.

It is time.


  1. Garsh, and I accused my DH of eating too much chili at supper! Glad it was just you rumbling with excitement. :)

  2. Maybe you were just plain-old tired before! Fatigue is terrible. P.S. Love the England pics you've been posting.

  3. Wonderful. Happy writing.

  4. I loved this post!! I love the excitement rumbling once again from you!!!! Yay that your life is settling into a new comfort!

  5. Yep, there's only so much in order our lives can be. Glad you've found the love of writing again - enjoy!!


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