Thursday, April 19, 2007

Nothing New

If I haven't commented on your blog lately, my sincere apologies. I've been buried with the day job and normally I have a bit of time to pop in to everyone's blog and make a comment. Not so this past week! While it's nice to be busy and the day goes by faster, I don't like feeling that I can never catch up.

Last night I went and worked out, then tackled the back yard. Our St. Bernard, Missy, is still in the puppy stage. She's a little over a year old now, but shows no signs of calming down. She tackled a dog food sack and ripped it to shreds, so I had to pick that up last night, and various other assorted things she's found as chew toys. When my daughter goes to play in the backyard, she invariably leaves something behind, which Missy quickly grabs and destroys.

And then hubby, my daughter, and I went for a leisurely ride in the convertible. Hubby has always wanted a convertible and he found a nice used one very cheap that he's fixing up. He loves to fix up cars and while I don't exactly love the expense, it's his hobby and I'm glad he enjoys it.

Didn't even open the manuscript last night and probably won't tonight, either, since I'm going to be helping a colleague celebrate her birthday tonight. But Friday is just around the corner and I think I get the majority of my work done over the weekend.

Have a great Thursday and look for some more writing-related posts soon!


  1. I'm sorry that I haven't been commenting as much either, since I've been sick all week. These things happen, but I'm finally feeling a little more human today -- so "Hi, Melissa!"

  2. This week has been full of finals. I promise to be a good girl and regularily get on here. I would love to see pics of your pup and your convertible. darn men and their toys sometimes

  3. Well, I'm touched - really I am. You know why. :o)

  4. Hey, Melissa

    I know how it is when Corporate America does its number on your week. I've had one of those weeks, too.

    That convertible sounds like fun. I used to have a Geo Metro convertible in candy apple red that I adored. Tis the season to get out and about in that breezer with the top down.

    Have a great weekend!

  5. Have a wonderful time tonight. And yay for weekends!!!

  6. I'm with Diane.

    I've been a bad blogger too. Sorry.


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