Wednesday, April 04, 2007

It's That Time of Year

For those of us in the U.S., the tax deadline is fast approaching. But thanks to Easter being early this year, they gave us a few extra days to get the darn things done - final due date is April 17.

Well, I tackled mine last night. Since I use TurboTax, it's a snap to do - although I wasn't pleased with the end result for two reasons: I hate paying a computer program to do my taxes and...(and this is the worst part) we owe the federal govt. this year.

No, it's not a lot, but still - it's a nice chunk of change that we could be using for something else.

I think it's ironic how the American Revolution began with lots of protests over all the taxes the British government imposed. And now, our income tax system is so complex that we've created computer programs to help us navigate through the mess. Clearly, the forefathers did not see this coming.

But for me, the tax return is done and filed. Now I just have to mail in the stupid payment. Sigh...there goes money I could have saved for my trip to Italy. But one day, I may be able to write those trips off as "research." I am looking forward to that glorious day!


  1. Too funny, Melissa, I just wrote a post about taxes. Haven't put it up yet. Still trying not to think about it. I have mine mocked up, but not complete. Yuck.

    Sorry to hear you owed. :( I don't use TurboTax, but don't forget the federal telephone credit (1040 line 71). Every little bit helps. :)

  2. Yup - I used that telephone credit and thankfully reduced what I owed by $60!

  3. Devon - I just do it all online. I didn't buy the software itself. I'm assuming that once you buy it, though, that you should be able to upgrade every year for free. But not sure on that...all I know is that it makes my life easier by guiding me through every single question. And with my lack of number talent, I need all the help I can get.

  4. Ahh, yes, research trips... i'm looking forward to that day, also, when i can take a trip and write it off... if that day ever comes, i'll be jumping up and down. :)

  5. Malissa, nothing to do with taxes, but you have to get hold of a copy of Captain Corelli's Mandolin. It's much better than the film. You will adore it. And while I think about it, have you read Eleni?

  6. Diane - now I've got to get to B&N and get a copy of Mandolin! And Eleni looks really good, too. Thanks for the heads up!

  7. Anonymous6:36 PM

    Sorry you owe...I did for many years, until I bought a house. Mine are done already, mostly because I had to spend it on a new transmission...

  8. We have to have our taxes in by Apr 30th, but I realized I was getting a bit of a refund this year so I sent mine in the other day!

  9. Melissa, I feel your pain!

    Except, um, I'm delighted for the reason I owe so much this year (i.e. I actually made some money)!

    So I'll willingly write that check...but not until like the 16th!

    Have a terrific Easter. :)


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