Monday, April 23, 2007

I'm trying to take pics of the kitties to show you, but the furry little guys just won't stay still long enough for me to get a good shot that's not blurry. The good news is that they're doing great - and are starting to eat their mom's food. I'm sure she's happy about that! With their little teeth, they're probably starting to hurt a little bit when they're drinking her milk. About one more week and they'll be ready to go to a good home - but just two of them. We're keeping two - and we already have names for them - Slick (a boy - the black cat whose eyes have turned green!) and Gretchen, the only girl out of the litter. According to my daughter, she has "sad eyes." I'll try and get her to pose for me so you can see.
Finding the Joy!
Saturday and Sunday, I found the joy again. I immersed myself in my writing and renewed my spirit. And oh, how wonderful it feels. I've discovered two things that need to be in harmony in my life before I feel good - my faith and my writing. For me, those two go hand in hand. :-)
Odds and Ends
The weekend was nice. Went to my stepson's track meet on Saturday and he did well, winning his heat in the 400 meter race. Of course, I didn't come prepared and now I have a very painful sunburn on my chest and shoulders. Luckily my face didn't get it too bad, but wow. I will definitely slather on the sun block next week!
I also decided to try and make a little extra cash by selling some books on Already had one sold the day after I listed one, so that was encouraging. I know I won't make much, but at this point, every little bit helps.
I also indulged in two naps this weekend - one on Saturday (which, unfortunately, I had to take because of a killer headache) and one Sunday afternoon. Both were lovely.
Finishing reading Flags of Our Fathers and I plan to post a review of it over at my World War II blog sometime this week. This is hands down one of the best books I've ready on World War II. If you haven't read it, I highly recommend it.


  1. You must have been in need of the naps to have taken the, and therefore they'll have done you good.

    Lovely kitties.

  2. Don't forget the sunscreen! Ever! Sorry to hear about the burn. Ouch.

    The kitties are too cute. :)

  3. Cute kitties! And glad to hear you're feeling better. Have a great week!

  4. The kittens are cute! Glad you found your joy again too!!

  5. Oh, I LOVE those kitty pictures!!!!!

    Did the Chocolate Devotion fall under "Finding the Joy?"

  6. Yup. The Chocolate Devotion ice cream was definitely part of the joy. ;-)


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This and That

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