Tuesday, July 12, 2005

Sleepless Nights

Sleep has been a bit elusive lately. Not that I'm having trouble going to sleep - I'm not tossing and turning or waking up on my own. No, I blame my husband and my daughter.

When he's really tired, hubby snores. And snores. I nudge him. He stops for a few seconds, then he's back at it. NOT good for my sleep.

Last night my daughter woke up and promptly climbed into our bed. She's five and somehow manages to make her way into my bed nearly every single morning. Last night she kicked me, rolled over on me, nudged me, and generally made a cute pest of herself. We have a king-size bed and I didn't have nearly enough room.

Unfortunately, I didn't get any writing in yesterday. I had every intention - just like I had every intention of exercising - and then, well, I just didn't. Hubby actually was in the house last night and not working in his garage. He started watching a movie so I figured I'd join him. Sigh...that sucked away two hours. No more of that! I went to bed feeling listless, like I still needed to do something. And we all know what that something was!

Maybe I'll sneak in a few pages on my break today to make up for it. ;-)


  1. Anonymous4:41 PM

    Did you have any luck with the pages?

  2. Anonymous5:30 PM

    Good luck finding some calm writing time, Melissa!

  3. Anonymous7:14 PM

    I was SURE my kid would still be sneaking in my room until ...well college age or something *g... They do outgrow it...eventually...

    Good luck on the writing time!


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