Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Precious Moments

My daughter loves it when I pick her up from school. It's rare that I actually get to do that since I'm at work all day. Her daycare usually picks her up and then I go get her after I'm done with the day job.

Yesterday, though, her school let out at 1 p.m. for a teacher work day. I told her the previous day that I'd come pick her up and her eyes just lit up. So I was a little frantic when I got there a few minutes late. Of course, there were cars everywhere, kids everywhere, and I'm trying to find a parking space. When I finally did, I thank God I've been working out since I had to do a bit of a jog to get there.

I saw my daughter standing in front of the school, all warm in her hat and mittens, and she was looking for me, her eyes scanning the multitude of parents coming to pick up their kids. When I finally got close enough for her to see me, I waved and she broke out into the biggest grin I've ever seen. She actually started running and I think I did, too. And then she launched into my arms for the biggest hug in the world.

I don't mind saying that I shed a few happy tears. What precious moments. And there will be a day when she's a teenager and she'll roll her eyes when she sees that I'm late and get into the car ready to reprimand me.

But for now, I'm going to treasure these moments when I have a first grader eager to see her mom. :-)


  1. I can just see it in my mind... What a wonderful moment. Don't you wish you could capture it, like a video, to replay years from now?

    You're absolutely right--cherish every moment!

    Thanks for sharing. :)

  2. Warm and fuzzy moments are the best. :)

  3. She sounds like a very sweet girl!

  4. Your post brought back happy memories of my own, Melissa. Thanks!

  5. Oh how wonderful - yes, a precious moment to cherish forever.

  6. Awww Melissa, that's so lovely. They really are the best moments ever!

    Sue :-)

  7. awww, I have happy tears for you too. What a beautiful moment photographed in your memory!

  8. Melissa, that is so sweet. I try to keep the same thing in mind when my 1 1/2 yo won't let anyone else hold her and just lays on me, heavy as lead, let anyone try to pry her away. My kindergartener already prefers my mom to pick her up from school - she's a pushover for a yummy snack!

    Those hugs are worth so much!

  9. Anonymous2:27 PM

    Yeah, well, last night you made me laugh; today you made me shed a tear or two. You are so lucky to be the kind of mom who actually takes the time to recognize and cherish those precious moments as they happen and not after they're gone.

  10. Isn't it sweet? I get that at school and daycare and remind myself to cherish the moments because like you say before we know it they'll be teenagers!

  11. Yup, I'm preparing myself for the day when the kids roll their eyes as I pull up to the curb instead of getting excited. :D Sometimes it's hard to remember the joys of being the center of their world when I'm consumed with the duties of being the center of their world. Thanks for the reminder, Melissa.

  12. Could do with a hug like that myself, at the moment.

  13. I shed tears too when I pick my kids up from school...but I don't think it is for the same reasons.

  14. Definitely enjoy those moments with your daughter. They are a distant memory for me (my teen just turned 13). I no longer get hugs in public. . . "it's embarrassing Moooooooommmmmmm"


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