Monday, February 12, 2007

My Music

My taste in music is all over the place. I like just about everything. I used to like country music, but hardly listen to it anymore. My latest love is music from the 40's and 50's. Frank Sinatra, Ella Fitzgerald, Dean Martin, and Rosemarky Clooney are just some of my favorites. I also love all the big band stuff - Harry James, Tommy Dorsey, Benny Goodman, and Artie Shaw, just to name a few.
But I'm also enjoying American Idol alumni Chris Daughtry, and I love listening to Top 40 hits on Sirius radio. I'm also delighted that Sirius is turning their standards station into "Siriusly" Sinatra and Nancy Sinatra will host a few programs.
For me, music is integral to writing. If I put on a collection of World War II-era songs, it helps me truly capture the mood of my World War II novel. When I wrote my Regency historical, I listened to a lot of Mozart and Bach. When I was deep into my Northern Ireland novel, I listened to The Devil's Own soundtrack and a lot of Celtic music.
What about you? Can you write with music or does it distract you? And if you do write while listening to music, is there any particular artist or song that really puts you in the creative mood?


  1. I can't write with music going. Distracts me too much. Sometimes if I'm stuck, I'll listen to something that reminds me of the scene I'm trying to write. But I'm not one of those writers who has a playlist for each book. I wish I was. It sounds like it'd be fun to do!

  2. It depends with me - sometimes I can write with it, sometimes I can't. I'm like you as far as taste goes - it's all over the place. Including 40s big band :-)

  3. I can't write with it on, but I do make a soundtrack for my book. All sorts of songs that reflect my conflict and characters and then I listen to it while I'm not writing and think of how my characters relate to the lyrics/mood/tune. It probably makes me an excellent candidate for multiple personalities, but then I think all us writers are at risk. ;)

    I'm a big band fan, too. And I love the soundtrack from 'Bye, Bye Blues'.

  4. Sometimes I listen to music but it isn't necessary for my writing. It usually is just white noise. Depending on what I'm writing, I either neither something soft and Celtic or something loud and fast like rock music. Usually has nothing to do with what I'm writing but more how I'm feeling.

  5. Anonymous11:54 AM

    I can write with soft jazz, but no lyrics. But, I can edit with any type of music. In fact, music helps me slog through editing without wanting to quit.

  6. I'd like to make a soundtrack for each book -- not because I think it would help me write, but just because it sounds like a fun thing to do. Don't know if I'll have time though -- shouldn't I just be writing the darn book?

    Melissa, on Friday nights, our local NPR radio station at 91.1 FM has a Big Band show. They play all Big Band tunes, and Don Gill (kind of a local celebrity) provides a running commentary on them. It's very fun.

  7. Betty - Oooh, I've listened to that before! But I always forget to tune in on Friday nights.

  8. Anonymous12:47 PM

    I can't write with music playing, unless it's instrumental and undemanding. But music is a huge part of my plot, so I'll take breaks to listen and think about music, then go back to writing. Weird, huh? :)

  9. Sometimes I can write to music and sometimes I can't. I guess it just depends on my mood...


  10. I write to music and create soundtracks for various books. Sometimes I find it distracting though and turn it off. Sometimes I like it loud, sometimes quiet. It just depends :)

  11. Anonymous5:45 PM

    Must have music. I'll listen to my own cds or grab a station at Yahoo!--the big band station is pretty good. I'm afraid I am one of those writers with the soundtrack...

  12. I like the radio on softly in the background but I don't use any specifically to help me write

  13. Melissa - I love WW2 stories and am really excited to find your blog! Do you have any novels out right now? Or are you still working on that? I am, so I get it if you are. ;) But if you have stuff out there I'd love to go get it.

    And, much as I'd like to, I can't write to music. I can, however, write to television. Go figure!

  14. I can't write to music. I wish I could. The idea appeals to me, but my brain finds it too distracting. I love that you had theme music for each novel. How cool is that?

    I can tune out the TV, no problem. But music somehow gets a hold of my brain cells and demands to be recognized. For writing, I find silence is best. (When I can find it)


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