Friday, March 20, 2009

It's Spring!

(Picture from here)

Hurrah! The first day of spring is TODAY. And our high is supposed to be 60 degrees. I'll take it!
I can't wait to see the bursts of green on lawns, trees, and flowers. Already I'm enjoying the sounds of the birds singing and the noticeable lack of chill in the air. My mood has lifted and I can't wait to go hang out at the duck pond or take a long walk in the warm breezes.

And...spring also means I can take my laptop out onto my deck and write. Bliss!

What is your favorite thing about spring?


  1. I love having the windows open and letting the fresh air in:)

  2. Anonymous2:29 PM

    Sitting out on the deck and watching the birds on our feeders.

  3. We really don't get spring here but I like that the temps get nice and warm. I forgot today is the first day:) Where is my brain anymore?

  4. Gardening barefoot. Ah bliss.

  5. Everything you described. Perfect!

  6. I love everything about spring, actually. My favorite season, hands down.

    BTW, Melissa, I've given you an award. :)

  7. Anonymous9:31 AM

    Snow melt!! It used to be bulbs popping up on my mom's birthday--the first day of spring--but now I'm just happy to see the ice slowly melting :)

    Glad you are feeling a bit better.

  8. Let the barefootin' begin! I especially love that it's not "sauna season" here yet but everything's all nice and green, and the mosquitos haven't arrived. Bliss!

  9. I love spring! Once I recover from the onset of Daylight Savings Time, the silent killer, I feel like I'm coming out of hibernation. I shed my winter coat (got my hair cut yesterday), and I'm perky and fun. That should last until at least 10:00 a.m next Tuesday.

  10. I love the fresh new life Spring brings! Out with the old and in with the new.

  11. Hands down, it's gotta be the flowers. Portland has long, cool springs and the flowers seem to last forever. Going for a walk and savoring everyone's beautiful gardens (and my own!) is my absolute favorite!


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