Tuesday, February 17, 2009


Not much to report today since I went home from work last night, tried to watch a bad World War II movie, shut it off, then went to bed at 7 p.m. and didn't wake up until this morning. Yeah, I'm not feeling good. Darn it. I've got too much stuff to do to be sick, mainly editing the novel.

I hope to get back to that tonight, though. Now let's just hope I don't fall asleep at my desk today...


  1. I did the exact same thing - nearly. Lay down at 6:30pm and woke 5 hours later ... got into bed, then woke again at 7am. Feel better soon. I know exactly how you're feeling. :o)

  2. Hope you're feeling much better today.

  3. Hi Melissa, sorry I havent't visited in an age. Hope you're feeling better soon - look after yourself.

  4. Aww hope you feel better soon. At least you did the best thing.. you TURNED the movie off. I find myself glued to dumb movies all the time, without the will or ability to turn it off! grr

  5. Hope you're feeling much better soon.

  6. The novel can wait, take care of yourself first. Hope you're better soon!

  7. Sorry you're under the weather. Hope you shake it off and come back strong. Maybe a nap?


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