Monday, October 27, 2008

Tea with Mr. Darcy

I must say, one of the highlights of my vacation was the chance to indulge myself, whether it be sleeping in, lounging around, or eating usually off-limits food. And I was able to enjoy a wonderful meal at the Jane Austen Centre in Bath.

On the third floor of this charming townhouse, I was able to have high tea - and the name of it was Tea with Mr. Darcy. Isn't this a beautiful room?
What a delectable feast! Cucumber and cheese sandwiches, a crumpet with butter and jam, and moist chocolate cake, plus a pot of cranberry tea.

Ahhh...I wish I had all of this in front of me right now! It looks soooo good, though I'm sure calorie-wise it wasn't the best. BUT, it is very important not to worry about calories when you're on vacation. Besides, with all the walking I did, I'm pretty sure that I didn't gain any weight. :-)

It was the perfect end to a delightful visit at this museum where I was able to learn more about Jane Austen and see some wonderful costumes of the era. And don't you just love the writing desk in the first picture?

I think it's time I watched Pride and Prejudice again, or perhaps Sense and Sensibility or Emma. Any will do!

I think I will have to go to the store and buy me some cranberry tea. Yum. And I did spot some scones in the bakery the other day...


  1. Lovely photos, I could do with that sumptuous tea right now too.

    I can watch Pride & Prejudice or Sense & Sensibility at any time too. Love them.

  2. Fantastic photos. Almost as good as being there to have tea with you (and Mr. Darcy *g*). Thanks for sharing.

    Have you seen the new Persuasion yet? It's REALLY good.

  3. I absolutely love going to tea rooms and to do one in England would be a dream come true! thank you for sharing this with us! I also appreciate your comment today on my bog-- guess I needed a break!

  4. Beautiful photos. I love the details, the dark woods, the fan and candle on the table, the feather pen! Imagine? Writing with a feather pen ...

  5. Wonderful photos, Melissa. Thanks for sharing. I could sit down to Tea with Mr Darcy right now!

  6. Debs - Yes, that tea does sound rather yummy about now. I think I could get used to the English tradition of drinking tea.

    Tess - No, I haven't seen the new Persuasion! Will have to put that on my list of movies to watch.

    Terri - Oh, I definitely recommend it! It was such a wonderful, relaxing time to sit in that historic building and just soak up the atmosphere.

    And yes, I firmly believe that sometimes God wants us to just take a break from our writing, and sometimes He forces it upon us because we don't take the hint to take one ourselves! ;-)

    Joanne - They had a feather pen and ink for sale in the gift shop. I thought about buying some, but didn't in the end. Still, I'd like to try it out...I think there could be something almost magical about writing on paper, to hear the scratch of the quill pen on the parchment...

    Shirley - You're quite welcome! Hope you can enjoy a good cup of tea very soon. :-)

  7. Anonymous12:38 PM

    oooh, I'm having a hankering too!! P&P and Love Actually are calling :)

    Glad you had fun.

  8. Toni - I've only watched Pride and Prejudice (the Colin Firth version) once, so I think I need to watch it again!

  9. Melissa! I have been thinking of you for several days and when I got your comment I knew it was time to let you know! My heart has been getting slammed recently (as you might can tell from my last post) and I'm not making it around to blogs as much as normal.

    I LOVE pride and prejudice (BBC). What beautiful photos you took! It looks wonderful!

  10. Heidi - It was definitely a wonderful time!

    And you're in my prayers, Heidi. I know you're struggling a bit right now, but God will see you through!

  11. So glad your trip was a grand one. The pics are nice, and that tea setting looks yummers!

  12. Angie - Oh, that whole meal was absolutely delightful! I think I need to recreate it for some of my friends very soon!

  13. Oh I so want to crawl into those pictures!!

    And I still haven't forgotten about the ones I'm sending you, really! I'm just jumping between abodes and haven't had much time on the home computer of late!

  14. Kelly - No worries! I know how it goes. :-)


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