Wednesday, October 08, 2008

The Diagnosis Is...

I went to my doctor yesterday for a follow-up visit for my heart monitor (which, BTW, cost almost $1400 - but that included the specialist who evaluated the results). My doctor, whom I just love because she is so personable and takes the time to explain everything, told me that I have supraventricular ectopic activity. To put that in layman's terms, it basically means my heart is beating a little too fast when it shouldn't be. For example, if I'm just sitting at my desk, my heartrate can escalate up to 148 bpm, and then will drop back down to a normal level, around 50-60 bpm.

So essentially, I'm running a marathon while I'm sitting still. And as I also experience this when I'm exercising, let's just say my heart is really getting a work out! It's not serious, and that made me quite relieved. She prescribed me a medication to take to help regulate my heart rate so it doesn't spike so high. This won't affect my ability to exercise or do anything.

One thing it will do, however, is make me feel less tired! Since my heart thinks it's ok if it runs a marathon (doesn't it know that I hate to run?), then it also thinks it deserves a lot of rest to make up for it. Hmm...maybe that's why I like to take naps!

At any rate, I'm glad that we figured things out, glad that I have such a wonderful doctor who takes care of me, and glad that I may now have more energy than ever!


  1. Well this is great news! You must be relieved. Did your doctor say what actually causes the condition?

  2. So good that it isn't serious! Wonder why it happens? It sounds like the $$ was well worth it to have peace of mind.

  3. Joanne - She thought it might be something I inherited. :-) I wonder if I've had it for years (since I have always been a person who doesn't have a lot of energy and likes to sleep a lot) and just didn't know it!

    Terri - Yes, I agree! The money was worth it to know things are ok. :-)

  4. Glad the worry of the unknown has passed and that you now have meds to help! Your doc sounds like one of the "good 'uns." ;)

  5. Glad your problem isn't serious. I had surgery to correct Wolfe-Parkinson-White syndrome which is similar except my heart rate would go up to 260 or so.

    No problems since surgery however.

  6. Oh, good. I'm sooooo glad they figured it out so quickly and that there are meds to help regulate things. What a relief.

    Wow - $1400? That would make MY heart go quickly!!! Makes me really appreciate our health care system up here. I've never paid for a medical test in my life.

  7. So glad to hear that all's well. What a relief. It's almost impossible not to worry about the unknown.

    As for the $1400 - yikes.

  8. Wonderful to have a diagnosis and know it's not serious--yay! I hope getting it under control does give you more pep in your step. Kudos to your doc, she sounds like a keeper for sure.

  9. Oh thank goodness that it's treatable! I'm glad you're going to get some help with it, and maybe, just maybe, a little bit more energy!

  10. Angie - Yes, she's DEFINITELY one of the good ones! I'm so blessed that I found her.

    Travis - 260? WOW. Now THAT would be scary! Glad you don't have to deal with that anymore.

    Tess - Ah, yes, medical bills. That's a very sore spot in the USA right now. I hope something can be done about it soon.

    Shirley - I am definitely relieved. Not sure how much of the $1400 I will have to pay after insurance kicks in, but hopefully it won't be much. :-)

    Christine - I'm so glad that I got the test done now and took care of it - takes a big load off my mind. :-)

    Bailey - I could certainly use more energy, that's for sure! :-)

  11. Anonymous3:06 PM

    Glad it's sorted and hope you feel better soon.

  12. I hope you continue to feel better and feel better about knowing more what you are dealing with.

  13. Brian - Thanks. I'm so glad that I got these tests done. :-)

  14. Anonymous10:39 AM

    Glad there was a simple fix for your problem. Hope you start feeling better and more energized.

  15. How exhausting for you. I'm glad your doctor has given you some medication to regulate everything and that it isn't serious.

  16. Melissa, at least it is not serious, whew! Now me, I don't have an excuse for my love of naps :)


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