Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Kung Fu Panda

The day that Kung Fu Panda opened, my daughter and I went to the matinee. I was a little leery going into it because so many times, I'm disappointed by the lack of plot or continuity or character development or whatever in animated films.

But this movie was wonderful on every level.

As I sat there and gorged myself on M&M's and popcorn, I couldn't tear my eyes away from the screen. The adventures of Po the Panda and his sudden quest to become the Dragon Master kept me completely enthralled. My daughter and I laughed and laughed at several parts, and I teared up at one particular scene (which is not hard to do for me).

My husband bought the Kung Fu Panda game for our Playstation 2 and my daughter has loved playing it. And she's also showed me her kung fu moves and I have to say, she's pretty darn good at them. I asked her if she wanted to take karate lessons, but she said she wants to be "taller" when she does. ;-)

So if you haven't seen this movie yet, I highly recommend it for the entire family. I can't wait until it comes out on DVD so I can watch it again!


  1. Anonymous11:40 AM

    I'm looking for a small child to borrow so I can go see it!

  2. I'll have to add it to our Zip list, so we can get it when it comes out on DVD.

  3. Me and my clan enjoyed it as well.

  4. Looks like great fun. I may have to rent a kid to take (mine are all in the "yeah, right" phase with kid's movies) but I definitely want to see it!

  5. Thanks for the recommendation - I saw the trailers and thought it was going to be another "Jack Black playing the same character" thing and promised DH and the kids I'd pay for them to go AND popcorn if I could go to the library instead... :o) Maybe I'll join them after all.

  6. my son wants to see it so I'm glad that you said it was good so it will be worth taking him.

  7. Anonymous7:18 AM

    I'm so out of the animated movie stage, I hadn't even heard of this movie. Of course, I'm out of a lot of things these days *g

  8. My kids have seen it. They really liked it. I'm sure we will get it when it hits dvd. I generally don't go to the movies unless Daniel Craig is in it. Did I mention he is so hot???

  9. Ok - even if you DON'T have a small child to bring, go anyway! :) Seriously, it's that good.

  10. Oh I can't wait now. We were hoping it would be good!

  11. I loved this movie! I laughed so hard and now I can't get 'Ske-dooosh!' out of my head.


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