Friday, January 19, 2007

It's Friday!

Friday, Friday, Friday!

I love Fridays. I love the lure of two days of relaxation. I'm sure I'll get in a bit of relaxation, but for the most part, I'm going to be sitting on my couch, laptop in my, well, lap, and editing the novel. I think I need to pick up the pace a little bit.

Last night I finished up my two page synopsis. Yes - it is entirely possible to write a two-page synopsis of a 100,000 word novel. It's not easy, but it is possible. And writing it helped me to really dive back into the story. I edited a bit more last night before bedtime and I also got a submission packet ready to go to an agent.

Happy Friday!


  1. Congrats on finishing your synopsis Melissa.

    Happy Friday to you too!

    Sue :-)

  2. ROTFL on the cartoon - I LOVE it!

    Isn't it a relief to finish a synopsis! Congrats :-)

  3. Have a nice weekend, Melissa -- full of editing, relaxing, and all good things.

  4. Love the cartoon!

    Saturday is my Friday as I have Sunday and Monday off.

    Congrats on finishing the synopsis and have a very productive weekend!

  5. Have a great Friday, I'll be doing homework this weekend lol

  6. Good luck and well done. Very cool to finish a syn :)

  7. Anonymous4:08 PM

    Way to go on finishing the synopsis! Good luck on the agent search. :)

  8. Anonymous7:06 PM

    Good luck with the submission!

  9. Anonymous7:11 PM

    Enjoy the weekend--fingers crossed on the submission.

  10. You've been busy!! Good for you. And a two page synopsis for a 100k novel? Do you teach a class for that? LOL!


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