Monday, October 16, 2006

Happy Dance!

What a great writing weekend! I managed to write a little over 5,000 words on Saturday and Sunday. My novel is this close to being finished. I think one more night and it will be done.


Hubby also came Sunday morning and grabbed all the boxes I had packed. That made me feel a lot better knowing that I already have stuff out of the way and over at the house. The apartment is starting to look a little bare, but that's ok - that means I'm making progress.

I've also got a pretty good idea of what my next novel is going to be about - and I'm very excited. I'll probably just let ideas float around in my mind for awhile before I start working on the plotting in earnest. I've got to get this novel finished and edited first - although I will probably do editing and brainstorming at the same time.

In Other News...

I updated my Best of World War II blog. And coming soon - a review of a new book called Thanks for the Memories: Love, Sex, and World War II by Jane Leder. It promises to be a fascinating read.


  1. I love the Snoopy Happy Dance!

    Good work on the 5,000 words too.

    So are you planning on going to see Flags of our Fathers when it comes out? I thought of you when I saw the preview.

  2. Kelly - You bet! I can't wait to see it. :-)

  3. Yay - awesome progress!!!! Cool.


  4. That's fantastic news Melissa, WELL DONE!!

  5. Good for you, Melissa - that's fantastic. No wonder you're dancing :-)

    Am pretty sure Sean will want to see FooF as well.

    I assume you've watched Band of Brothers?

  6. Tess - I've watched the first three episodes of Band of Brothers and loved it. Unfortunately, I can only watch them at certain time since I don't want my daughter to have to see any of the gory scenes. And since she keeps the same hours as me (especially on the weekends!) it makes it hard to watch those not-for-kid movies.


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Staying Focused

Friends, sometimes it is exhausting to try and stay focused on goals. Eat healthier. Lose weight. Exercise.  Find a literary agent. Edit the...