Wednesday, November 02, 2011

Blog Hopping

Sometimes, we can get stagnant in our blog following. We read the same blogs and don't bother to venture into new territory. While we continue to support our loyal blog readers (and this is a good thing!), we aren't opening ourselves up to new perspectives, i.e. new blogs!

So! In the spirit of giving that November brings, share a blog or two or four that you really enjoy that we might not have heard of before, and we can all reap the rewards!

Here's a few of mine:

Non-Fiction Chronicles of a Fiction-Filled Life - Anna Scott Graham is a writing machine! She's always got a wonderful post on the writing process or life in general.

Grandma's Letters from Africa - Along with her husband, Linda went to Africa as a missionary several years ago and this blog documents her journey. It is so eye-opening to see how the western culture differs from the African culture.

The Artist's Road - Patrick gave up his position as a CEO of a non-profit company to dedicate his life to the creative process. He's now in an MFA program and has wonderful posts on creativity and writing.

Your turn!


  1. Melissa, I was just thinking about myself needing to do this too. Thanks for the reminder, and the blog suggestions:)

  2. Lovely idea, Melissa! Right now, I'm barely reading my usual blogs, and I'm not writing my own. Everything I have is going into revisions. But I've bookmarked these to check out when I come out from under my rock!

  3. Some of my favourites at the moment:

    On music:

    My husband's a lyricist, but I LOVE his "regular" writing, too:

    I never grow tired of Rae, as she writes and photo-journals her days:

  4. Great idea. I will try and do the same soon. Now off to check out some new blogs.

  5. Oh Melissa, ta cheers thanks love! When the writing slows, I'll give these other blogs a peek... :)))


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