Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Dreaming of...

While stuck in my office cubicle yesterday, I dreamed about having the entire month of November off from work (paid time off, of course). What, exactly, would I do during that month?

On my list were three very important things:

1) Write
2) Read
3) Visit my family

It all sounds quite utterly blissful.

If you had a month off from the daily grind, what would you do?


  1. Anonymous12:02 PM

    I think my list would be similar to yours! Have a wonderful Wednesday!

  2. My list would look very much the same though query widely would be there below write.

  3. L.T. - Hope you have a wonderful Wednesday, too!

    Travis - Congrats on the request for a full! Here's hoping it leads to representation!!!

  4. Write, definitely. Maybe take a few daytrips. And finish this wallpaper/paint project I'm immersed in right now!

  5. Joanne, I don't envy you. Wallpaper is never fun to put up! :-)

  6. OMG, I love this dream. I would write, eat, sleep, drink, finish my WIP! Take a holiday cabin or beach hut somewhere and write some more. ;) Of course family can come along too.

  7. I'd take your list and add watch tons of movies, read tons of books, take tons of walks, eat loads of chocolate, and get all of my Christmas shopping done. We are talking November, right? :)

  8. Ooohhh a whole month off! I would write, read and knit. And in between that I would relax and try to get a workout or three in. :)

  9. Write. Period. In a whole month off (paid! squee!)I could finish this revision.

  10. Talei - Oh yes, I forgot to mention, that this entire month off also means calories don't count and you won't gain a thing! (isn't it a lovely dream?) I would drown myself in chocolate!!!

    Jill - I love it! A whole month of unfrenzied shopping time!

    Kelly - Relaxing is DEFINITELY a part of the plan!

    Christine - Sounds ideal!!!

  11. I'd do pretty much the same as you if I had a whole month off :) A lovely dream indeed!!

  12. Tess - Kindred spirits! :-)

  13. What I'm doing now! LOL I'll trade you and work for a month!

  14. I'd probably do the same things as you. Sounds pretty perfect to me.

  15. Terri - I will take you up on that offer! LOL

    Debs - Another kindred spirit! ;-)

  16. Hmmm... my list would include more coffee. ;) It's different as a stay at home mom. When I worked, I dreamed about having time at home to really get things in order. Now I'm home and really grateful to be here, but I do sometimes wish for more time to just sit and think, read, write, reflect, do more of what makes me feel like me. But I can't just take time off from the kids, so I think that I'm just at peace with the season of life I'm in and know that it will go by all to quickly as it is.

  17. Robin - Very true. The kids will be grown and out of the house before you know it. :-) I try to keep that mindset with my daughter, too, and realize that even though I do need 'me' time, she needs 'mommy' time, too!


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