Monday, November 02, 2009

Halloween Weekend

Had a nice weekend. Amazingly, the roads were completely fine on the drive home - no snow or ice at all. On Saturday, the sun was out and melted the majority of the snow and it was a mild evening for trick or treating.

My daughter and my mom made her costume this year - she was a ghost dog. This is what she looked like:
We also went bowling and I was quite surprised at how well my daughter does! Granted, she still uses the bumper pads, but she's got a good arm on her. Must take after her mom. Ha! Ok, ok, her dad is a pretty good bowler, too. I'm very thankful that my ex and I get along well and are able to do things together as a family still. That is a blessing for all of us.

I had to
share this photo - this is a mustache she got out of one of those coin vending machines.

I'm also pleased to say that the book on CD was an awesome idea. I listened to it the entire way to western Nebraska and also on the drive back home. In fact, I was on the very last CD when we pulled into town and wished I had a few more miles to drive so I could finish it! I figure I'll listen to it on the drive to work tomorrow.

I'm ready to stay put for awhile. I made three trips home in the month of October - that's roughly 1800 miles I put on my car!

Now, though, it's time to focus on the writing. I'm looking forward to burying myself in the story and forgetting the cares of the world for awhile!


  1. Anonymous2:52 AM

    It sounds like a lovely weekend! The pictures are precious. Glad you're home and best of luck with the writing!

  2. Homemade costumes are great. How adorable is that?

  3. I'm glad you made it back safely. I know the weather that way has not been the best. Your daughter looks like she had a great time!

  4. Love that costume, so cute. And hey, it's a fresh spin on the ghost genre ... I'm sensing a very creative young lady here!

  5. Your daughter is beautiful. And yes, you're right about being able to get along with your ex - it certainly makes things easier.
    Have you (or anyone else who reads here) heard of the NaNoWriMo? Where everyone commits to writing a novel in the month? All my friends are doing this - I sometimes feel guilty that I'm not...but I have too much to do this month as it is.

  6. L.T. - Yes, it was quite nice! Glad to be home, though.

    Rebecca - My daughter declared that this costume was her "best Halloween costume ever!"

    Terri - Oh, the weather has been positively strange! It was in the low 70's on Sunday - all the snow melted!

    Joanne - Oh, definitely VERY creative!

    Laurie - Thank you. :-) I've tried NaNo before, but it just doesn't work in November for me. I keep saying they should change it to January or February when you have the long, dark winter nights to deal with. What better way to get through it than to write? :-)

  7. That's a lot of driving!

    Love the costume, brilliant.

  8. Debs - Yes, it is a lot of driving - and it's pretty much a straight line from here to there! Gets very boring after awhile.

  9. Melissa I don't know how you do it, I fall asleep going a mere twenty miles to church!

    Glad to hear you will get some time to relax behind the computer screen.

  10. Tamika, I was struggling on the way home yesterday. Almost pulled over and took a nap!

  11. Glad to hear the drive was easier than you thought it might be...and that the CD lasted the whole way! Your daughter's costume is adorable, as is she. Good luck with the pages! Currently struggling, myself...ah, well.

  12. Christine - Hope things get easier! I'm a bit stuck with mine, but I think if I change the POV in this scene, that will fix it.

  13. Ghost dog looks AWESOME!

  14. Aw, I love those photos. Thanks for sharing.

    Glad you're having a rest from all that driving!

  15. Shirley, I'm definitely enjoying not being in the car!

  16. Ghost dog--too cute! I'm a fan of fake mustaches too!

  17. Jill - Not sure where she came up with the idea, but it did turn out cute!


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