Friday, October 30, 2009

Off Again

I'm leaving for another weekend trip tonight. Unfortunately, western Nebraska got hit with a massive blizzard over the past two days and there is quite a bit of snow on the ground. According to one news story, snow was falling at the rate of an inch an hour. Yikes.

I'm hoping the roads will be decent enough to get me there and after that, I shouldn't have any worries as the sun is slated to come out! But I've got my snow boots packed and my gloves. Looks like we'll be taking my daughter trick o' treating in the snow!

I've got a few good books to listen to on CD - one is a contemporary thriller, the other is a history of the Founding Fathers. Can't wait to get started on them.

And, thank the Lord, I actually got some writing done last night in the midst of packing!

Have a wonderful weekend!


  1. Have a great trip, enjoy that snow ... Happy Halloween!

  2. Be safe and have a blast in the snow. In Texas there is no such thing as snow in November.

  3. Anonymous8:41 PM

    Be careful in the frozen tundra! Happy Halloween to you and your daughter! Have a great weekend!

  4. Great visit and traveling mercies to you.

  5. Safe travels, Melissa


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