Monday, September 29, 2008


What an awesome family reunion! We had around 65-70 people show up, more than we thought, but we had plenty of food. Oh my, the food! Italian goodness abounded. And because we had so much left over, my family had it for lunch the next day. Suffice to say, I probably gained a few pounds!

The above photo is of my Grandfather's family. My great-grandfather is all the way to the left and my grandfather is third from the left in the back row. And doesn't this picture below of my grandfather remind you of John Wayne?

He loved his horses. In fact, he taught all of them to roll over. And we even have it on tape! My grandmother had a 16 mm camera and she had some of the film transferred to video some years ago. There's no sound, but you really don't need it. We even have some film of my great-grandparents.

And this photo I just love it. I think I'm going to get it printed out and then put it in a nice frame. My grandfather was a farmer and you can tell right here how much he loved it.

My grandma is one amazing woman. My dad bought her a scanner for her birthday and she's been scanning all these old photos into the computer. And of course, when I got there Friday night, we spent hours talking. I think it was midnight when we decided we should go to bed, and then we got on another topic and talked for 40 more minutes! I so enjoy visiting with my grandmother - she is one of the smartest, kindest, and most unselfish women I know. I am so fortunate to have her in my life. Isn't this just an adorable picture of her?

The best thing about a family reunion, besides the food, is all the stories. My cousins sat around and told stories until 11:30 that night. And we probably could have stayed longer if we weren't all so tired! I'm trying to remember the best ones and if I write them down, they will stay alive for future generations.

Here's to family!


  1. Wow! Way interesting!!

  2. What great pictures. Sadly my family seems to have broken apart in recent years. We badly;y need a reunion.

  3. Wow! What wonderful pictures.

    So glad you had a great time.

  4. Beautiful photos. How nice that you've all stayed connected. I imagine some of the stories are amazing. Hm, maybe a memoir in the making?

  5. Oh wow, that sounds lovely. And thanks for posting yet more pics :) It's so cool your grandma is scanning them! Do you think it helps her deal with your grandad's death?

    I'd love to do a family reunion, but we're scattered around the world (England, Canada, States, Australia)

  6. What an incredible time you all had.

    I love the pictures and as you say, the best part is hearing all the stories.

  7. Anonymous12:16 PM

    Wonderful pictures and history, melissa :)

  8. The Wine Guy - thanks for stopping by...

    Travis - If you can hold a reunion, I would strongly encourage it. Family is so important.

    Shirley - glad you like the pics! It was definitely a good time.

    Joanne - Funny. I have never thought about writing my memoir. I just don't imagine that it would be all that interesting!

    Tess - Yes, I do believe it has helped her cope with my grandfather's death. Not only has it kept her busy, but it's allowed her to reminisce a lot. That's why I love going to her house so much - she loves to talk about the "good old days" and I love to hear about it.

    Debs - Glad you like the pics! There are many, many more where those came from! If I can just get my grandmother to scan ALL of them in, I'll make a big photo album some day. :-)

    Toni - Thanks!

  9. These are so vivid and wonderful, especially in the black and white. I saw some that would make wonderful book covers one day. ;)

  10. Angie - Oh yes! I think the one of my grandpa standing in the field would be a beautiful book cover. you've given me all sorts of inspiration! :-)

  11. Wow, Melissa, how wonderful! Old family photos are priceless, and these are marvelous...especially the one of your grandfather looking out over the field. It just seems so iconic of America.

    I'm glad you shared this with us!

  12. Christine - I dearly love that photo, as well. Glad you enjoyed them!

  13. These pictures were great! I love old pictures and you are blessed to have a wonderful family! My favorite too is with him looking at the field. Terrific!

  14. Terri - I truly do feel blessed with my wonderful family. We're not perfect, but no one's family is. Glad you enjoyed the pictures!

  15. Anonymous8:55 AM

    Love these photos! Thanks for sharing :)

  16. Marty - You're welcome!

  17. What great pictures!

    My mother recently sent me some pictures of my great-grandparents, from around the 1920's, shortly before and after they got married.

    I love looking at them, and they've inspired a short story, too. Just wish they were still here to be able to read it...

  18. Jen - I'd love to see your pics! I don't have any pictures of my great-grandmother before she was married - you are very fortunate to have yours.

    My great-grandparents also inspired a short story, as well, one which was published in a literary journal. :-)


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