I decided to tackle my front yard Friday after work. Don't ask me why I had such a bright idea, especially considering I was exhausted when I got home. But it was sooo nice outside that my daughter and I decided to head out to the front porch.

I love our front porch, and I especially love my swing and my rocking chair. :-)
While my daughter played fetch with our dog, Charlie, I decided to rake up a few leaves that had been on the lawn for far too long. One thing led to another and before I knew it, I'd also completely cleared out the flower bed of leaves and last year's growth. And lo and behold, I found a few plants bursting through the soil.

Eureka! Green! And, since I have my handy dandy camera (I almost said handy dandy notebook - a relic of my daughter's Blue's Clues days...) I had to snap a few shots.
Saturday was D-Day - Direct TV Day. Hubby wanted to watch Animal Planet and ok, I said I wouldn't mind watching Turner Classic Movies and the History Channel, so we decided to order it. In our defense, we have not had cable for FOUR years. All we've done is watch DVD's and old VHS tapes. So I think we did pretty darn good for as long as we did!
The very nice technician came to our house Saturday and set us up - we have it downstairs in our bedroom and upstairs in the living room. Of course, the first thing my daughter wanted to do was watch Spongebob and the first thing I wanted to do was watch Cary Grant in I Was a Male War Bride. And then, of course, my stepson wanted to watch football. If my husband had been home, I'm sure he would have wanted to watch some nature show!
Fortunately, it was so nice outside that after they'd watched an episode or two of Spongebob, I kicked them out of the house. This t.v. is not going to be on 24-7.
I confess, I watched a bit too much over the weekend, but I was in a very lethargic mood and couldn't resist watching a show on the Russian Czars on the History International channel, a Bette Davis biography on Turner Classic Movies, and er, a few movies, too, one of them being The Big Sleep with Humphrey Bogart and Lauren Bacall. Hubby and I watched Animal Planet Sunday and did you know that a hippopotamus can beat a crocodile in a fight to the death? Neither did I. And neither did I know that a crocodile can hold its breath underwater for AN HOUR.
So, ok, I indulged A LOT, but after the busy-ness of last weekend's trip home, I didn't mind just lounging around. Got the laundry done, dishes, cleaned the house, and also got in a work-out Sunday night. All in all, a good, relaxing weekend.
Thing is, I think I will have a love-hate relationship with the new t.v. system. I have to limit it at our house and that includes myself. I was actually tired of watching it by Saturday night, so I shut it off. I have to remind myself that there is a bunch of crap on that I could get sucked into (VH1's Pop Up Video or Greatest Songs of the '80s being two that I succumed to for a bit) but that I don't really need to watch. They are time wasters.
On the other hand, I consider watching history shows or animal shows educational. And, of course, since I'm a student of 1940's and WW2 history, watching classic movies gives me a great chance to look at all the styles of the time, down to interior decorating and slang.
Ok, ok, I'll admit - there are times when I know I'll plop down in front of the t.v. and watch any old thing that's on because I'm bored. But I really hope to make those times very, very few. I have a novel to write, after all!
Time to fess up. How many hours a night do you watch t.v.?