Friday, April 08, 2011

Road Trip!

Sometimes, you just gotta get away.

After the crazy, hectic, and altogether busy month I had preparing to move, actually moving, and then settling in to the new house, I'm plain exhausted.

So what's the best thing to do?

Get out of town for awhile.

My two brothers and I.
My brother and I are headed home to see the family and enjoy an alumni basketball tournament. I won't be playing, but my two brothers will, and I'm sure I'll see lots of former classmates there, as well. Should be a good time.

My plan for the five and a half hour drive there? Work on my novel. I need to really iron out a few issues and this is the perfect time to do it.

What are your weekend plans?


  1. Melissa,
    Have a wonderful trip! I hope you have fun, and get a little work done too-and keep your chin up dear girl-you are an awesome writer!!!

  2. We're on a road trip, too! Had a library presentation Saturday on the Oregon coast, and we figured hey,we're on the coast--may as well stay over! So I'm writing this from a beautiful little B&B in Oceanside, OR. Sometimes just getting away overnight does one a world of good.

    Hope you're having a great time! :)

  3. Hope you had a wonderful time with your brothers.

    I spent the weekend celebrating my birthday with family members. Great fun.


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