Even though I was exhausted when I got home from work last night, I noticed that there was a nice caking of dust on my end table in my living room. I am one of those housekeepers that like to have a tidy house, but not a spotless house. Reason? I have three children - four if you count my husband. Keeping a spotless house would take up all my time and energy and only result in frustration since it would stay that way for all of thirty seconds.
I decided to start dusting, and that turned into vacuuming, and then in between all this, I was cooking dinner. By the time it was all finished, my living room was sparkling - clean carpets, dust-free surfaces, and the nice aroma of cornbread filled the air.
Not only did I feel accomplished, but I also felt like everything was right in my world. When my house is in chaos, my life feels the same way - generally because it is in chaos.
However, when my house is clean...it's very easy to feel much better about my life. I feel more organized, more accomplished, less harried, and much more settled. I like to feel settled. I like to feel that I can sit in my living room and relax without thinking, "I need to pick that up. Dust that. Vacuum here."
Now if I can just keep it this way...
On Tap for the Labor Day Weekend
Now if I can just keep it this way...
On Tap for the Labor Day Weekend
- Nebraska football on Saturday - Go Huskers!
- Friends on Sunday
- Writing