Tuesday, September 02, 2014

Sleeping Beauty

I haven't been sleeping very well lately, but one member of my household rarely has any trouble with that. His name is Slick and he is the orneriest, most stubborn, frustrating cat I've ever had. He's also incredibly cute, puts up with my cuddling, and has the softest fur ever. He also manages to look completely adorable when he sleeps. I present Exhibit A.

Now if only I could fall asleep as fast as Slick. But I'm afraid if I slept in this position, I wouldn't be able to move for a week!


  1. I wonder if cats' ability to just drop off like that is something hormonal. Can we humans get that stuff? ;)

    Hope you feel better soon. Long-term illness can really wear one down.

    1. I don't know how they do it, either, but yeah, I wish I could have some of whatever it is! LOL

  2. N'awww look at him .. what a cutie!
    I hope sleep finds you soon! Lately I am not the best sleeper myself: stress stress stress is the cause! It would've been nice if we lived closer, so we could have chats to talk the nightly hours away - if not being able to sleep.

    Stay strong!

    1. Thanks for the good thoughts, Lindsay. :) I often end up spending those sleepless nights on Twitter. Always fun to see my overseas friends just starting their day while I'm still trying to end mine! LOL

  3. I am madly in love with your cat, and I'm not even a cat person!

    1. Thank you, Maia! Though to be honest, his moments of cuteness are fewer than his moments of pure orneriness! LOL


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