Tuesday, July 09, 2013



Here's what's been going on in my life.

1) I headed home Thursday for the long Fourth of July weekend. It was my 20-year high school class reunion (hard to believe!) and I had a wonderful time catching up with everyone. About half of my classmates (we had 32 in our class) showed up. It's strange how you still have the same type of relationship with certain people as you did in high school.

While I was home, I also did more research for my POW book, attended a small-town rodeo, watched a few softball games (my brothers, sis-in-law, and niece and nephew were all playing), had good conversations with my grandmother, and yes, even managed to take a nap. I wasn't too happy that my RA decided to flare up. This time it attacked my knees and I looked pretty funny walking around - kind of like a drunk penguin.

2) After living with us for a few months, my mother found her own place and I now have my office back. This is indeed a good thing because it's time to start the actual writing of the POW book. When I write, I tend to make a huge mess, with paperwork and books and files scattered everywhere. I have plenty of room to do that in my office and I can just leave the mess there instead of seeing it every day in my living room. I'll be embarking on this next project very soon.

3) Perhaps the biggest change is this: I have a new day job. I've been with my current company for almost six years, but I was ready to move on, and I landed a job at the University of Nebraska. For privacy reasons, I won't mention where or exactly what I'll be doing, but just suffice to say that I will definitely be using that master's degree in history that I have! I'm very excited for this new challenge and can't wait to start.

4) Writing? Well, I'm still working on that novel - I'm in the editing stage. But with all the turmoil in life from job interviews and health problems and people moving in and out of my house (my stepson is living with us now), it's been a struggle to get anything worthwhile done on that front! I keep trying to sneak it in as much as possible.

What's new with you?


  1. As much as I love research, it always feels so good to get down the actual writing part! I hope it goes wonderfully for you.
    Good luck with the new job!

    1. Thanks, Faith! I'm really excited to get going on the book AND to get started on the new job.

  2. Congrats on the new job! I work at the University of NE in Kearney but I'm just a lowly secretary. :) But the benefits are great!

    1. First thing my husband asked me was, "Do we get free football tickets?" LOL.

  3. So happy for you, Melissa. All the pieces seem to be slotting into place.

    You deserve every bit of this!

  4. Wow! Lots of positive changes.
    All the best for the new job and throwing yourself into the POW book.
    It must be wonderful to have an office all to yourself, it will make things so much easier.

    1. I LOVE my office so much! It's the entire second floor of our Cape Cod-style house, and it's so cozy and inviting. My daughter loves to hang out in it, too.

  5. Wow! Congratulations on your new job and your new writing projects! I wish you the best!


  6. All sounds very exciting and positive - great news!!

  7. It's so hard to keep discipline in writing when the world around you is in flux. Good for you for getting to the point you're finally at, and best wishes for moving forward!

  8. Thanks, Heidi! It's so true that when life is chaotic, I have a hard time buckling down.

  9. Anonymous12:32 PM

    So many changes Melissa! Congratulations on the new job and getting your office back! The University sure is lucky to have you. I also make such a mess when writing. At this point I've just embraced it into an "organized chaos" sort of mess. I can't wait to hear more about the progress of the POW book!

    1. Thanks, Jess! Yes, I am SO excited to be in an academic setting - it's going to be great fun to learn all about this new job (and probably stressful, too!).

      I go by the old adage: a clean desk is the sign of a sick mind. ;-)

  10. Melissa, I've been reading your blog for awhile and enjoy it. I find it interesting you're writing a book on POWs and from your Master's degree, would I correctly assume you're doing one on German POWs in the U.S. during WW2? Is it fiction or nonfiction? I too am writing such a book, historical suspense/thriller and am about 50% complete of the first draft. Would like to hear about yours.
    Congrats on the job.

    1. Hi Larry! Nice to meet you and thanks for the kind words. :) Yes, I am writing my book on the Germans (and also Italians) POWs in Nebraska during the war. It's non-fiction and will be released by The History Press in May 2014. My novel is also set in Nebraska during the war, but centers on a German immigrant instead.

      Would like to read about your historical suspense/thriller! It sounds intriguing! Send me an email at melissaamateis at earthlink dot net if you'd like. :)


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