Monday, September 26, 2011

To Coin a New Phrase...

After working on the synopsis and resisting the urge to throw my laptop across the room more than once, I have coined a new phrase that accurately describes this frustrating experience.

"Writing a synopsis is like trying to herd cats."

'Nuff said.


  1. Anonymous8:52 AM

    Well said!

    To add to your synopsis analogy, I think you have to allow yourself to be a bit inhumane, and recognize that you may not gather up all the cats. Remember, an agent or editor isn't going to notice a missing cat they didn't know was once there.

  2. Ahhhhh....

    Bless you as you herd those cats! I know you'll survive it!


  3. Just herd one cat at a time, and soon that synopsis will be Purr-fect :)

  4. I know - I was doing the same thing this weekend! At the low point I made up this brief equation: Synopsis-writing = tongue-tied silence.

    But believe it or not, I eventually made it through.

  5. * high fives* So very true! Also, for me - its like juggling squirrels...

  6. Oh my goodness YES!!!! I not-quite-detest this part of it, but man, it's a royal drag!

  7. That picture-too cute Melissa! I'm giving you a metaphorical rub behind the ears to hang in there. Those cats have to cooperate sooner or later:)

  8. Oh I agree! But what a lovely kitten.

  9. It appears we are all in agreement on the synopsis writing! :-) Thanks for your comments. Sometimes I don't respond to each one when my time is limited, but rest assured, I read them all and appreciate you all!

  10. I feel your pain, that's why I'm avoiding it.

  11. Synopsis writing is even worse than query writing. It is THE worst. Hate. It. But I agree with the first goes a little easier if you limit yourself to the most important cats.


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