Tuesday, December 27, 2022

2023's Motto

 I'm not one to really make New Year's resolutions any longer. I figure every day is a day to start over or renew your goals. It's too hard to just say, "I'm making ALL THE CHANGES this year." Human beings don't work like that.

What I hope to do this year is be more intentional with what I do with my time. I do not mean that every spare minute must be spent doing something I love because that's simply not realistic. The day job often brings tasks I don't particularly enjoy - and so does daily living. Dishes, laundry, etc. I also do not mean that every minute I spend has to be productive, either. Rest is something I need to learn how to do - really rest, not just take a ten minute break. Those of us with ME/CFS need to pace ourselves or else we risk crashing and putting ourselves into terrible flares. Therefore, if I feel the need to sit in front of the TV and watch classic movies all day, I'm going to do it and not feel guilty. 

But, when I take the time for my own activities, I want my time to matter. It needs to bring me joy. Whether that's reading, doing a puzzle, or working on my novel, if it doesn't bring me joy, then I'm not going to do it. I want that specific time to have a purpose, because that purpose will fuel my passion and my joy.

Therefore, this is my new mantra for 2023:

I will be cutting some activities out of my life to make way for those things that bring me joy. I no longer want to spend my precious spare time (which is further limited by my chronic health issues) doing things that bring me stress and do not fulfill me.

This may be a tall order. Or maybe it's exactly the kind of goal I need for this new year. 

Here's to 2023!


  1. Replies
    1. Life is too short to force yourself to do things you don't enjoy!


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