Sunday, March 02, 2025

The Best - and the Worst - of Times

Haven't blogged on this platform for awhile; instead, I've been using Substack. While I've made some great connections and enjoy some of the newsletters, I feel a bit intimidated about writing my own stuff. Isn't that strange? I feel like I can be more myself on my own blog...even though it's my own blog on the other site, too. Weird. 


I've now been living in Virginia for two months. The move from Nebraska went fantastically well, and the pets traveled the 1300 miles with nary an issue. That surprised me the most, I think! We've all settled into our new home. My daughter found a job and while I'm continuing to work at the same one I've had for the past year, I'm hoping I can find one involving the history around my area. But with the Terrible Orange One and his Evil Minion (you know who I'm talking about) cutting jobs left and right with the National Park Services, who knows? 

I feel like I'm living in the best of times (my own personal life) and the worst of times (the destruction of democratic values and the rise of authoritarianism in my own country). Every day brings a new calamity from our government. The latest debacle - the shameful treatment of Urkaine president Zelenskyy by Trump and Vance - made my blood boil on a level it hasn't in a few days. HAHAHAHA. I've always had low blood pressure, but this administration might change that. It's been a battle to try and focus on my own positive changes in the midst of the devastation. 

So for this post? I'm focusing on The Best of Times.

1) I joined a local writing group that meets once a month. There's around 30 of us, of all ages and types of writers. I met some lovely people already, and I look forward to participating more.

2) I've started a new novel. It's not a historical one (though I'm currently plotting my next one), but contemporary women's fiction. Or maybe it's chick lit. I really don't know at this point. All I know is that I'm having fun writing it. It's about a woman in midlife fighting a chronic illness who abruptly quits her job and heads to England to rest and recuperate and decide what she really wants for the next half of her life. I wasn't originally intending on adding the chronic illness aspect, but I feel like that's something not often explored in fiction, and since I have several chronic illnesses, well, it only felt natural.

3) There is a lovely walking trail just down the block from there I live. I've taken several walks there and snapped wonderful photos of birds, many of which are not in Nebraska. It's refreshed my spirit.

4) I love my new home! I'm in a part of town close to everything I need, and within walking distance of Barnes and Noble, restaurants, and other shops. The people in my building are quite friendly; in fact, everyone here is very nice and pleasant.

5)Yesterday, I went and bought some patio furniture for my balcony, and also put up two birdfeeders. I've had several finches visit already, and I hope some other species will also stop by!

6) Spring and warmer temps will be here soon! I plan to do lots of exploring when that happens. I'm surrounded by an abundance of history, and while I've explored some of it, I've not made even a dent in everything I want to see.

That's the update from here. 

The Best - and the Worst - of Times

Haven't blogged on this platform for awhile; instead, I've been using Substack. While I've made some great connections and enjoy...