Saturday, November 11, 2006

Veteran's Day: Please Thank a Veteran

This year Veteran's Day falls on a Saturday. You probably won't get your mail today, you might be inundated with ads for sales, and the fact that it's a weekend might make you forget what today means. But for just a moment, remember the veterans who served this country - the men and women who fought for your freedom.

Today, I thank the veterans in my life:

- My father, who served in the U.S. Air Force
during the Vietnam War
- My husband, who served in the U.S. Army
during the First Gulf War
-My cousins who served in the Armed Forces
during the Vietnam War
-My cousins and great-uncles who served in the U.S. Army
in the Pacific and European Theaters during WW2

If you know a veteran or see a veteran while you're out and about today, take a moment to say "thank you." They'll appreciate it more than you know.
Please take a moment to view this slide show - sometimes pictures say it all.


  1. Very nice tribute, Melissa. :)

  2. SW - At the risk of sounding pretty darn dumb, what is MOS? I didn't meet hubby until '99, so I don't know all the specfic details of his service. He doesn't like to talk about it. I do know that he was a medic with a tank division.

  3. Anonymous12:18 PM

    Thanks for the reminder, Meilissa. It's so easily overlook and commercialized, but you brought the meaning home.

  4. (smacking forehead) I didn't even realize today was the day. If my dad read my blog, he'd have a few choice things to say to me (he was career Army). Thanks for the reminder to those of us whose heads are too far in the clouds to remember, Melissa.

  5. Anonymous6:39 PM

    I love that slide presentation, too. It makes me cry. I'm glad that we have veterans to fight for our freedom.

  6. A lovely, thoughtful post, Melissa.

  7. A little late - but this was a nice tribute Melissa.

    I'll add a thanks for my father, uncles, aunts, gr-uncles and aunts who fought (and contributed WAC, WAVE) in WWII. Uncles who served in Korea, cousins in Vietnam, cousin in the second Gulf War.


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