Tuesday, November 01, 2005

I'm Writing - No Candy for You!

Last night I kept my porch light off, shooed my children and my husband out the door to go trick or treating, and then promptly sequestered myself in the basement to work on my novel.

Yup. No little ghouls or goblins knocked on my door. (I didn't have any candy anyway!) It's the first time since we've lived there that I didn't turn the porch light on, but I knew I needed to work on my novel.

And work I did.

In fact, I put my poor hero through the ringer. Actually, I put the hero AND heroine through a lot of angst. I moved my big black moment to a little earlier in the manuscript and I think it works well. But it was hard to write it. Why? Because my poor characters are saying really bad things to one another! And I would rather they just laugh it off, kiss, and get along.

But that will come later, with the HEA.

I also read a review in the latest issue of Romantic Times that gave me hope. Leisure is releasing a World War II story, set in England, this month! Oh joy! Perhaps the market is starting to open just a tiny bit, and that's all I need to get my toe in the door!


  1. As you know, I'm hoping for a market change as well. It does feel like they are spreading the timelines again.

  2. I hope so too!!
    Good for you closing the door!! I was inundated, but it was fun. My little one wouldn't go out for long anyway.

    I am having a hiatus, mainly to hunt more mice, clean-house and de-grout the shower after tiles fell off yesterday (following a 2 hour cleaning spree :(!! ) I did get a request for a full from Triskillion though.

  3. Toni, that's great on the request! Good for you!!! Hope those little mice move on soon.

  4. Anonymous6:07 PM

    I think there's definitely room for more WWII books. Good luck on yours! I loved LaVyrle Spencer's "Morning Glory." Sigh.

  5. Anonymous9:20 PM

    I'd love to see some WWII books! And good for you for holing up and working. I spent my whole day doing Halloween-related stuff.

  6. We didn't hand out candy last night either. Our light was off! It also helps that we live out of town, too... hehe

    Glad to hear you got some writing done. I hate it when my characters don't get along, so I know how you feel! hehe

  7. Good for you!!! I ducked downstairs at 9pm on Halloween night - turned all the lights off.

    And let's hope there's an overall market change so we can ALL sell our non-traditionally set mss!!!

  8. Anonymous6:29 AM

    Yay for you and the changing market trends!

    I wish I could've camped out with my computer. We ran out of candy half way through, and then my girlfriend came over to watch wrestling. It was not a writing condusive atmosphere for me. So, good for you! You're lucky.

  9. I looooove putting my characters through the ringer. I did that yesterday when my hero found out the secret my heroine was hiding. Poor guy was wrecked. It was so much fun.

  10. I guess I wasn't such a Halloween scrooge after all! :-) I was writing, after all, so that made it okay. LOL

  11. Anonymous5:28 AM

    Excellent, love it! »


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