Thursday, March 06, 2025

This and That

Pretty LuLu in the sun!

Life has been interesting lately...

Health Issues

After seeing the same primary care physician for the past 22 years, finding a new doctor wasn't something I really wanted to do. But since I live 1300 miles way from said doctor, I didn't have a choice. I had my first appointment yesterday, and it went quite well. We have an action plan for some of my health issues.  I had my bloodwork done and unfortunately, it came back with high cholesterol and high trigylcerides, which I already knew. I've been on a med and daily fish oil to lower them, but I don't think it's working. I'm sure a push to lose weight is in the works, and I can't say that I will fight it. I need to lose weight, but doing so is just so damn exhausting. When you have chronic illnesses and can't keep a steady exercise regimen, it makes it incredibly difficult to shed pounds. I don't eat that badly, either. I allow myself to eat out once a week and have a treat, like a slice of cake or something, once a week, as well (Friday night is my preferred day for both!). My weight has yo-yo'd ever since I had my daughter nearly 25 years ago. I've gained and lost, gained and lost, but this time, I can't seem to lose anything.

My abdominal adhesions are causing me no end of grief. I'm pretty sure I have an entrapped nerve somewhere in my thigh area, and it's causing shooting pain down my leg. I'm also having a lot of abdominal pain. Solution? Back to the pelvic physical therapist I go! 

HOA Issues

I do love my new apartment and the location. I have a splendid balcony on the second floor. Unfortunately, the sun beats down on it every afternoon and through the patio windows. I've already installed black-out curtains to help. But I also want to sit on my patio and enjoy it! So I bought a patio umbrella and spent a few lovely, blissful evenings there before someone ratted me out to the HOA. Apparently, in this condominium building (I rent my apartment) shades, patio umbrellas, and the like are NOT ALLOWED without express written permission from the Board. I was livid. Why am I not allowed to provide shade for myself? Because it ruins the way the building looks? If that's the case - and I'm sure it is - that is downright ridiculous. When I asked my property manager if I had any alternatives, she replied, "Sunglasses?" which just infuriated me. 

I've contacted building management to see if I can request permission for the patio umbrella. Light sensitivity comes with ME/CFS (one of my chronic illnesses) and I'm really hoping they will let me have the umbrella.

Other apartment woes include a leaking pipe underneath the sink - and we just now discovered it - which meant everything I store under that sink is covered in mold and ruined. The repairman came to look at the refrigerator today, and we need an entirely new ice making kit. The time on my washing machine also isn't working. Sheesh!

On Writing

I'm enjoying writing my new novel, but I'm running up against procrastination again. I joined a group that writes via Zoom twice a week to try and hold me accountable. I could have participated tonight, but wasn't feeling it, so hopefully on Sunday.

I'm also hoping to blog more regularly here. I journal every night, but I think blogging here to establish a writing habit is also a good idea. 

Weekend Plans

No plans for the weekend, though I may pop over to Colonial Williamsburg and go to the Art Museum if I'm feeling up to it. Otherwise, lots of rest, reading, writing, and watching my beloved British murder mysteries! 


  1. I loathe HOAs. They have nothing to do with maintaining a neighborhood and everything to do with being control freaks. Rentals seem to constantly have something leaking or not working, don't they? Have a good weekend. Glad you're back to blogging here!

  2. I filed for an accommodation with them so fingers crossed they accept it! And you're absolutely right - HOAs are for those who like to be in control.


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This and That

Pretty LuLu in the sun! Life has been interesting lately... Health Issues After seeing the same primary care physician for the past 22 years...