Thursday, June 12, 2014


When I looked the other day, I was astonished that I hadn't blogged since May 26, and even that was a quick post about Memorial Day.

I've been neglecting the blog and it's not necessarily by choice, but more that I'm finding the blog is less the platform I want to use for communicating. Instead, I've fallen in love with Twitter - and there are times that I HATE this. Why? Because it's a time sinkhole.

However, I have connected with people I never would have through my blog. I have had conversations with some of my favorite published authors, discussed politics with noted journalists, talked about history with well-known WW2 historians, and met some awesome writers and history lovers.

I still like to blog every now and again, though, when the 140 character limit isn't enough and I want to take time with my thoughts. But it feels like blogging is slowly losing its relevance. I've blogged about it before, but this could just be a blip in the social media timeline. People longing for life to slow down may well return to blogging.

I certainly won't be taking down my blog or say I'm never going to post again. I will post, though it will be more when I feel the need.

But if you are on Twitter, feel free to follow me. I'm at @WW2HistoryGal

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